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Place the CD-ROM "\ -- & "drive now click OK."\ -- f"OK" "QUIT" -- -- It = " -- -- i = 3 "Unable locate CD,"\ & "exiting" <> -1 & ":\help" & ":\ currDrive = getFileOnlyList( )& ":\ ~\*.mov","","") c"countrie" enterApplication "Show Buttons over map" Text c"Options" "Wayzata World Factbook Help" "About 4lastContext "Countries "tbkmm.sbk" tbkmmInitializeSystem c"Page" c"Edit" separator 1 "Run" "Send Mail" "Open" "Save" As" "Import" "Export" "Select "Replace" "Size c"Go" "Main" c"Go" "Go Back" c"Go" c"Go" "Gallery" c"Go" "Encyclopedia" c"Go" "Explorer" c"Go" "Languages" c"Go" "Credits" c"Go" GoBack WTINextPage WTInextPage WTIPreviousPage WTIGoBack WTIHelp .tbk" WTIQuit WTIPrintText := "Playing Movies..." cNumber = = " & False printReport WTIPrintImage = True J"Caption" J"SeeAlso" '"Outline" '"Picture" B"CopyImage" = " & WTICopyImage WTIMain WTIGallery WTIEncyclopedia 8"encyclop. 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Place the CD-ROM "\ -- & "drive now click OK."\ -- f"OK" "QUIT" -- -- It = " -- -- i = 3 "Unable locate CD,"\ & "exiting" <> -1 & ":\help" & ":\ currDrive = getFileOnlyList( )& ":\ ~\*.mov","","") c"countrie" enterApplication "Show Buttons over map" Text c"Options" "Wayzata World Factbook Help" "About 4lastContext "Countries "tbkmm.sbk" tbkmmInitializeSystem c"Page" "Save" As" "Import" "Export" "Select c"Edit" "Replace" "Size c"Go" "Main" c"Go" "Go Back" c"Go" c"Go" "Gallery" c"Go" "Encyclopedia" c"Go" "Explorer" c"Go" "Languages" c"Go" "Credits" c"Go" GoBack WTINextPage WTInextPage WTIPreviousPage WTIGoBack WTIHelp .tbk" WTIQuit WTIPrintText := "Playing Movies..." cNumber = = " & False printReport WTIPrintImage = True J"Caption" J"SeeAlso" '"Outline" '"Picture" B"CopyImage" = " & WTICopyImage WTIMain WTIGallery WTIEncyclopedia 8"encyclop. WTIExplorer WTIgoToSpread xPage & "1" nPage toggleContext bname xempty WTIgoToSubSection nCard = >= 1) #<= 38) xCard = "x1a" C>= 39) O<= 98) f>= 99) r<= 142) >= 143) <= 147) >= 148) <= 170) -- answer " yet..." WTIgoToSection "x1" WTILanguages -- lanNum = "CardLanguages" cLanguage = "None" Viewer " currentPage 8"language. playing language Country countrie.mov rie.mov language.mov age.mov PLAYING.MOV ING.MOV :HDMEDIAPATH Created by: ConvertIt! v1.5 DLL Version: 1.5 of Apr 28 1992 11:33:15 Creation date: 6/5/95 cvtitInfo System System :CDMEDIAPATH :SHOWCONFIRM S:\help Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman F:\help F:\help Countries of the World F:\help Countries of the World F:\help Playing Movies... Movies aying a Movie Languages Languages of the World openWindow openWindow Playing a Movie Table of Contents %R%J& 'N-N- false marked In the Countries interface, (on the companion disc) each of the countries of the world are described and a map provided. The first screen gives a searchable list of the countries in alphabetical order, each country is just one click away. Once at the country, there are four functional areas: 1. The TEXT, describing the country and relevant details. 2. A MAP of the country 3. The Tool Bar, with at set of uniform functions. 4. Buttons to facilitate access and printing of the map and text.interface, (on the companion disc) each of the countries of the world are described and a map provided. The first screen gives a searchable list of the countries in alphabetical order, each country is just one click away. Once at the country, there are four functional areas: 1. The TEXT, describing the country and relevant details. 2. A MAP of the country 3. The Tool Bar, with at set of uniform functions. 4. Buttons to facilitate access and printing of the map and text. In the Countries interface, (on the companion disc) each of the countries of the world are described and a map provided. The first screen gives a searchable list of the countries in alphabetical order, each country is just one click away. Once at the country, there are four functional areas: 1. The TEXT, describing the country and relevant details. 2. A MAP of the country 3. The Tool Bar, with at set of uniform functions. 4. Buttons to facilitate access and printing of the map and text. In the Countries interface, (on the companion disc) each of the countries of the world are described and a map provided. The first screen gives a searchable list of the countries in alphabetical order, each country is just one click away. Once at the country, there are four functional areas: 1. The TEXT, describing the country and relevant details. 2. A MAP of the country 3. The Tool Bar, with at set of uniform functions. 4. Buttons to facilitate access and printing of the map and text. In the Countries interface, (on the companion disc) each of the countries of the world are described and a map provided. The first screen gives a searchable list of the countries in alphabetical order, each country is just one click away. Once at the country, there are four functional areas: 1. The TEXT, describing the country and relevant details. 2. A MAP of the country 3. The Tool Bar, with at set of uniform functions. 4. Buttons to facilitate access and printing of the map and text. In the Countries interface, (on the companion disc) each of the countries of the world are described and a map provided. The first screen gives a searchable list of the countries in alphabetical order, each country is just one click away. Once at the country, there are four functional areas: 1. The TEXT, describing the country and relevant details. 2. A MAP of the country 3. The Tool Bar, with at set of uniform functions. 4. Buttons to facilitate access and printing of the map and text. In the Countries interface, (on the companion disc) each of the countries of the world are described and a map provided. The first screen gives a searchable list of the countries in alphabetical order, each country is just one click away. Once at the country, there are four functional areas: 1. The TEXT, describing the country and relevant details. 2. A MAP of the country 3. The Tool Bar, with at set of uniform functions. 4. Buttons to facilitate access and printing of the map and text. In the Languages interface, phrases in 34 languages are accessible. These common phrases allow the flavor of the language to be sampled and some learning of the language to take place. The Countries interface will bring up the language relating to the country that is currently being displayed (if it is among the 34). Click on the phrase to hear, or Click on "To Language Choices" to select a different language. Playing the animations or movies: The movie or animation window is a simple window with a play button in the lower left corner, (toggles pause or play function.) A slide bar on the bottom, shows where in the movie the current frame is and a close box in the upper left corner. textHeightProp Welcome to Countries of the World Help. The Countries of the World is an alphabetical arrangement of 192 countries. Click on a country namein the "Country List" Scroll the list, or press keys A-Z to scroll to that letter. Click on the country names on the globe to access the more popular countries that we have selected. (Globe courtesy of of Ann Ronan at Image Select) Each country has a text description and a map. Print or copy the text or map using the buttons provided. Press "Country List" to again access the list. Languages [toggleContext buttonUp --ConvertIt!: removed unsupported adjective: short toggleContext showNameProp Languages Countries of the World [toggleContext buttonUp --ConvertIt!: removed unsupported adjective: short toggleContext showNameProp Countries of the World Playing movies... 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